People wore orange t-shirts to support flood mitigation at last night’s joint OSBT/WRAB meeting

Flood mitigation supporters from Frasier Meadows Retirement Community wore orange t-shirts to support flood mitigation at last week’s joint OSBT/WRAB meeting in Boulder, Colorado, Monday, June 25th, 2018.
If you joined the cohort who wore orange t-shirts to support flood mitigation at last Monday’s Joint Board Meeting OSBT/WRAB, thank you! You made a difference by showing up whether you signed up to speak or not. If you couldn’t make it, no worries! More opportunities coming soon. Here’s a brief summary of what went down.
• The purpose of Monday’s meeting was for members of Boulder’s Open Space Board of Trustees (OSBT) and Water Resources Advisory Board (WRAB) to sit down together to hear staff’s updated proposals for flood mitigation on South Boulder Creek, ask questions, and have a joint discussion about next steps.
• Yay for the Orange Wave! Approximately three dozen people from Frasier Meadows Retirement Community and South Boulder Creek Action Group arrived wearing orange t-shirts which made a big, exuberant statement of unity and support for flood mitigation.
• On July 11, 2018: OSBT members will consider a motion to recommend any project concept variations they view as acceptable. Check out the concept variations for South Boulder Creek flood mitigation. Public testimony accepted at this meeting.
• Members of South Boulder Creek Action Group will ask OSBT members to accept as many of the proposed variants as they can. We would like WRAB and City Council to be able to choose from the widest number of options available because we understand the political issues related to flood mitigation are complex and we value expediency. (We want decision makers to be able to choose the most do-able option.)
• On July 16, 2018: WRAB will consider a motion to recommend a concept to move into the next steps of preliminary engineering. [WRAB may choose to rank its first choice, second choice, etc.] Public testimony accepted at this meeting.
• On August 7th, 2018: City Council will consider a motion to recommend a South Boulder Creek flood mitigation concept variation to move forward into the next steps of preliminary engineering and property owner negotiations.
We’ll be in touch again as each hearing date approaches. In the meantime, enjoy the 4th!